Tag: flowers

watercolor flowers

May Flowers

I’m really enjoying the change in the weather and the color. I have a vase of flowers on my kitchen table right now and I sketched them in watercolor last night. I enlarged the image and I really like the look of all the paint blooms and white spaces. I am planning on attending a watercolor open studio group later this month and I was warming up a bit as it has been awhile since I have touched a brush.

May Flowers. Photographs ©2014 Carolyn A Pappas.
May Flowers. Photographs ©2014 Carolyn A Pappas.

watercolor flowers
©2014 Carolyn A Pappas, 5-15-14 Flowers (enlarged). Watercolor in large watercolor moleskine.

viola painting

Small experiment and equipment failure

viola painting
©2014 Carolyn A Pappas, Viola. Watercolor and ink on 5 x 7 inch greeting card.

A sketch/experiment on a blank greeting card made as an Easter card for someone I know. This is really unlike my normal style and was something I did more on a whim. There are elements of it that I like, but I would like my next attempt to be a little “tighter” and less sloppy feeling. I Unfortunately, the fountain pen I was using started writing really scratchy and leaking ink. I tried to fiddle with it but it only made the problem worse so I think I will have to get rid of the pen as it is unusable at this point.

daisy sketch

Happy thoughts

daisy sketch
©2014 Carolyn A Pappas, Sketchbook, 3-15-14. Ink and watercolor in 6.5 x 9 inch sketchbook.

I am going to be moving later this week to a nearby house while mine is being renovated. It will involve a lot of preparation and things will be in upheaval while I am away. I have planned a few projects to keep me busy in the evenings as I will not have internet or cable. When I move back, I will have a beautifully organized and decorated space for myself and my daughter and I am really looking forward to it. This process reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Epictetus:

No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.