Intentions for 2015

First, a wintry drawing for the start of the bitterly cold part of winter…

winter trees drawing
©2014 Carolyn A Pappas, Trees (12-20-2014). Ink in 7×10 inch Stillman & Birn Epsilon Series sketchbook.
2015 will be a year of adventure for me. I will be leaving my safe and secure little nest on the edge of a lake for a house of my own. I am a little nervous, but mostly excited. My house won’t be very pretty in the beginning, but I will perfect it over time. My mind has been busy formulating ideas for how to set it up and design it. The most exciting part is that I will have my own studio, a big room for myself…plus a separate bedroom, a bright kitchen, and a living room with a fireplace. My daughter will also have a nice neighborhood to grow up in. I have been dreaming of my house for years now, and it’s surprising how much of this house is actually what I was dreaming of all along.

In terms of my artwork, I have a lot of work to do because I have empty walls to fill. I can understand the feeling of overwhelm that artists can feel before a gallery show at the sheer amount of work to do. However, I have no deadlines, and that might work against me too. In the words of Neil Gaiman*, “Try to make your time matter: minutes and hours and days and weeks can blow away like dead leaves, with nothing to show but time you spent not quite ever doing things, or time you spent waiting to begin.”

My art goals this year are to keep working on things and always have a project in the works. I also want to concentrate on pen and ink and watercolor and different combinations of the two.

*I really liked Neil Gaiman’s new year’s post.